Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Where Has All the Time Gone?

The summer of 2014 is gone with the wind. Book club was put on hold over the very busy season and was only recently started up again. We re-began with that timeless and beloved classic, Gone With the Wind.

Rachel almost didn't make it. I still haven't gotten her to watch the four-hour movie. So when she got first pick for our next read she chose The Giver series, one of her favorites. It will be a total of four books (The Giver, Gathering Blue, Messenger, and Son) but I guarantee it will be a shorter duration of reading than our dear Miss Scarlett put us through. "Why, fiddle-dee-dee!" 

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Teatime Snacks

Today the HBP Society met in our home at Wisteria Cottage, and Elizabeth and I took advantage of having access to a well-stocked kitchen to make these delicious treats:

Chocolate pockets on the left and plain pockets on the right, a sort of modified croissant. As they were baking in the oven Elizabeth thought they looked kind of like raviolis. I thought they looked kind of like books. Book Club Pockets!

Later in the afternoon, we settled down with our morsels, cups of healthy Immune tea, and dove into discussion on the wilds of Isak Dinesen's farm in Africa. 

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

The Blog Bug!

Hello fellow bookworms! Since a return to blogging yesterday, the blog bug has bitten me. I had just finished posting on my own blog, The Fairy Bookworm, and reading a beautiful post from Wisteria and Roses, when I remembered poor Mr. Pricklepants. His blog is so neglected it seems. He himself is neglected. I keep forgetting to bring the Mr. Pricklepants ornament that serves as our table-sitting-mascot to book club! I'll put him in my purse right now. There we go.

Today the Harold B. Pricklepants society will be meeting for lunch at Summer Thyme to finish discussing A Town Like Alice, and we will have the exciting event of choosing the next read. What shall it be? Gone With the Wind? The Great Gatsby? Out of Africa? War and Peace?

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Farewell, Jane

Today, The Harold B. Pricklepants Society finished up Jane Eyre.  WHAT A GREAT READ!!!!   I'm so sad to see it end.

I first discovered this book at about age 10.  During one of our many moves, a box of books mistakenly landed in my room.  Like a treasure hunter unearthing a decrepit chest, I lifted the dusty lid and found a true gem:  Jane.  Since that initial meeting, I have read and re-read this book throughout many different "seasons" of life.  I never tire of the tale! 

As for filmed adaptations, I choose the Timothy Dalton version despite the "handsomeness" factor (which Rochester sorely lacks and Dalton overflows).  I can use my imagination when an "ugly" reference enters the dialog.  ;)  

The HBP Society will be taking a little break (for vacation -- HOORAY!).  In three weeks time (on 2/12) we will be reconvening to discuss The Last of the Really Great Whangdoodles by Julie (Andrews) Edwards -- yes, Mary Poppins.  Rachel loves this book and enthusiastically lobbied for it!  I have a copy to tuck into my carry-on baggage.  I love to read away the time on a long flight.  

So, until then . . . Happy Reading!  :D