Friday, December 14, 2012

When January Comes

Time always speeds up so much at the end of the year. And this year the holidays started even sooner than usual, with Thanksgiving coming so much earlier than normal and the fact that my family started listening to Christmas music in October! I regret that I’ve been too busy (and tired) to find time for one of my favorite pastimes: writing. Even my dear journal is neglected.  

     At the end of every year, instead of making a New Year’s resolution, my mom chooses a single word as the theme for the year. 2012 was “Celebrate”; a fun word but we’re all exhausted from entertaining, throwing parties, etc. The word for 2013 is “Cultivate." For myself, that will mean more reading, writing, hopefully finishing a novel I start, and continuing to play my harp.

     My reading and writing will most likely suffer for a few more weeks, but when January and the New Year rolls around I plan to cultivate with a vengeance.

     Until then, Merry Christmas. 

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Once Upon a Time . . .

          Welcome to the Harold B. Pricklepants Society, a place for budding writers and avid readers to share the wonders of literature.  Our members currently have Harold Bloom's The Western Canon as the community reading choice.  Professor Bloom catalogs the works and writers that he believes form the foundation of all western literature.
          Pairing Prof. Harold B's name with our mascot Mr. Pricklepants, the rather serious hedgehog from the film Toy Story 3 (voiced by the dashing Timothy Dalton), we hit on a name that makes us smile, and will hopefully inspire smiles upon our fellow readers and writers.